Grape Varieties > Merlot


Merlot is a variety of the European grape species Vitis vinifera developed in France and grown widely throughout the world. Typically made into a red wine, a few California vinters have started experimenting with a white merlot.

Merlot Vintages

White Merlot Vintages

Non-Vintage Wines:

Beachaven Vineyards & Winery American NV
Biltmore Estate NV
Candoni Delle Venezie NV
Deaver Vineyards Port California NV
Fredricksburg Winery Fredricksburg & Northern
Pacific Peak California NV
Stonehaus NV
Trentadue Winery Chocolate Amore
Weathervane Winery Sunset Red NV

This page last modified: 31 August 2010 by TheWineRater.