Europe > Italia > Südtirol > Alto Adige/Südtirol

Alto Adige/Südtirol

Südtirol, Italia

Alto Adige is yet another name for this province, but one particularly associated with wine. It was established as an DOC wine on 14 April 1975. This wine is also sometimes known as dell'Alto Adige, Südtiroler or simply Südtirol. All the wines produced in this appellation require at least 10.5% alcohol. In addition to the traditional Italian blends bianco, rosato and rosso, single varietal wines are produced from Pinot Bianco, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Riesling, Sauvignon, Traminer Aromatico, Moscato Giallo, Müller Thurgau, Sylvaner and Kerner. A passito is also made requiring 16% alcohol.

Colli di Bolzano or Bozner Leiten
Meranese di Collina or Meraner Hugel o Meraner
Santa Maddalena or St.Magdalener
Terlano or Terlaner
Valle Isarco or Eiscktaler
Valle Venosta or Vinschgau

This page last modified: 14 Jan 2008 by TheWineRater.