Wine Terminology

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Idaho An American state where wine is produced. (more info)
IGT See Indicazione Geografica Tipica
Ilia A prefecture in West Greece. (more info)
Illes Balears A winegrowing region of España. (more info)
Illinois An American state where wine is produced. (more info)
Imathia A prefecture of Central Macedonia. (more info)
Imperia A province of Italia where wine is produced. (more info)
Indiana An American state where wine is produced. (more info)
Indicazione Geografica Tipica (IGT) Italians wines made from non-traditional regions and/or by non-traditional methods and often with international varietals. (more info)
Inzolia A wine grape of the species Vitis vinifera. (more info)
Ionian Islands A periphery of Greece. (more info)
Irpinia – sottozona Campi Taurasini A DOC wine produced in Italia. (more info)
Ischia A DOC wine produced in Italia. (more info)
Isernia A province of Italia where wine is produced. (more info)
Islas Canarias A winegrowing region of España. (more info)
Isle St. George An AVA where wine is produced in Ohio. (more info)
Isola dei Nuraghi An IGT wine produced in Italia. (more info)
Isonzo del Friuli A DOC wine produced in Italia. (more info)
Italia A country in Europe where wine is produced. (more info)
Itata Valley A Chilean wine region. (more info)
I Terreni di San Severino A DOC wine produced in Italia. (more info)
Ives An Amercian wine grape varietal. (more info)

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This page last modified: 31 January 2009 by TheWineRater.