The 5 Star Rating System

29 November 2008 - Here at we use a 5 star system to rate our wines. While magazines like Robert Parker and Wine Spectator have popularized a 100 point system, like school grades they rarely report values out of the tippity top of that range leaving one to wonder what exactly the other 70 or 80 grades are for. Since the ranges they report in are also the ranges they consider to be "good" wines, one is left to wonder if they've ever tasted a wine they didn't like! Or perhaps they, like my mother, believe that if you don't have something nice to say you shouldn't say anything at all. Here at we have no such gumption. We break the wines we rate out into 5 categories based on price and drinkability:

A perfect wine for its price class: flawless and near the peak of its drinking age.

An excellent wine that is slightly imperfect. Perhaps it is a bit young, a bit old, or a bit overpriced. Maybe the finish is a bit lackluster. Whatever the case it is still a great wine.

Three-star wines form the bulk of wines available on the market today. A wine in this category is good but not impressive. More than likely it's a wine you can afford to drink every day and is widely available.

This wine has a significant flaw. Whether it's a bit green or tainted with TCA, it's not a wine we'd recommend.

This wine borders on drinkability. The flaws almost overpower the wine and perhaps remind you of something you downed in your college days.

(No stars)

Pour out the glass, then the bottle. This is not a beverage but perhaps it might be useful as a solvent.

This page last modified: 29 November 2008 by TheWineRater.